Monday, March 31, 2008

28 – 31 MAR 2008

My entries on this blog have been few and far between in recent times. There have been a variety of reasons, but thankfully, none concern any personal difficulties. For those who have checked by and seen nothing new, I sincerely apologize, and I am truly grateful for your interest. I SHALL endeavor to be better about posting in the future.

This past weekend was been quite active. Holly and I were greatly pleasured that our humble abode served as a meeting point for a few friends, all of whom are bloggers. We crammed a lot of activity, eating, and socializing into a relatively short time. Since most of this has already been mentioned by the others, let me refer you to the blog entries by Holly, Bayou Renaissance Man, Phlegmfatale, and LawDog.

It is axiomatic that every blogger has something to say, else he/she wouldn't start out doing it. Well, if ever there was ANY doubt of this, it would have been proven by our happy little band. I believe the five of us could visit, cuss and discuss stuff – almost ANY KIND of stuff-- for a solid week, and not short of input. It is stimulating to get another thinking person's take on practically ANY topic worthy of consideration. And this group was nothing if not thinkers – and talkers. Many would think it ridiculous discuss military history -- strategic, tactical, and individual – in combination with religion, philosophy, the social “sciences,” and precious metals, all linked together within five minutes. Well, we did it, with all of us participating and enjoying the interchange.

Following the activities of Saturday, Phlegmmy felt she had to go home, perhaps a bit late o' the clock, but all too early because fun was still being had. Peter, the 'Dog, Holly and I sacked out soon thereafter.

Holly and I overslept a bit Sunday morning and had to rush around, getting ready for travel to a family reunion a couple of hours south. Last year, Holly was roped into being an officer in the reunion organizing group. This is “above and beyond,” considering she married into the family only a few years ago. Anyhow, she had invested a lot of preparation and mental effort into the job, our having house guests aside. It all went quite well, and we were back home shortly before six p.m.

One sidebar point about the reunion: A seldom-seen cousin wanted some input from me concerning her purchase of a handgun. She had done a lot of research already, seeking out information about different defense guns, looking up others on the 'net, and had gone to a local range and tried out several different sidearms. She had narrowed it down to either of two Smith & Wessons,
a 9mm autoloader

and a model 642 revolver with Crimson Trace stocks.
I asked if she intended to carry it on her person or in her purse and she said she preferred the former. So, my advice was simply confirmation of what she'd already decided. She'll get the Airweight five-shooter and practice with it. I said I'd loan her a Glock or something, so she could do her CHL qualification with a semi-automatic handgun. I said to phone any time I could help her out. Looking around the eighty-odd relatives present – maybe 65 adults -- I knew of four pistols for certain, and probably another eight or ten in the parking lot. I am truly gratified when intelligent, solid and upright individuals make an objective decision NOT to be victims of violence.

Back at home, we found that Peter and LawDog had enjoyed the day with some local sightseeing and being adored by our four-legged dogs. The 'Dog had gone home a while before, but Peter stayed over and we again talked past midnight. He left around noon Monday. A good visit was had by all.



phlegmfatale said...

As always, thank you so much for your abundant hospitality. It was an honour to be included in a party of such erudite and lively individuals. That was the most enjoyable day I've had in years.

Christina RN LMT said...

You guys make me so jealous!

Though I am glad that I at least get to read all your blogs.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your visit to Flo's in July. You and BB are the cream of the crop and I love being around you both.

Glad you've been busy having fun.

Matt G said...

"Looking around the eighty-odd relatives present – maybe 65 adults -- I knew of four pistols for certain, and probably another eight or ten in the parking lot."

Uh, I had two.
I figure one on H. and at least one on you. Uncle F.?

JPG said...

Ah, no, not that I'm aware. He keeps an S&W M39 in his car. I was thinking of 2nd spouse of another aunt. At least two more of the men had asked my opinion of other, small pistols in the past, and both had bought 'em.

And, surely, in that large a gathering, there would probably be a couple about which I hadn't thought. I barely know some of those in your generation, and there's no reason tht the topic would have even been raised.

Another one in a car: Remind me to tell you about a particular K-22 an aunt had me shoot when I was a teen. ;)

Anonymous said...

Send me your thoughts on dry firing a revolver in respect to Phlegm's situation.
Even though I do disagree with you, I want to know your thought process on it. If nothing else, I'll get another's point of view.


Assrot said...

Excellent choice on carry guns if I may say so. I prefer to carry both. I have an autoloader as my main carry gun in a shoulder rig or a vest pocket. I carry a wheel gun in an ankle holster for backup.

My S&W CS45 has never failed me but there is always a chance for anything to fail once so I carry the little .38 special wheel gun just in case.

It's kind of like God putting nipples on a man. He'll never have a baby so he'll never need them but they are there just in case right?


JPG said...


This comment is in response to one posted by Don
The text, in case it should become obscured in any manner:
Send me your thoughts on dry firing a revolver in respect to Phlegm's situation.
Even though I do disagree with you, I want to know your thought process on it. If nothing else, I'll get another's point of view.


Well, Don - -
I really don't see a need to recapitulate what I've already written in my comments in PhlegmFatale's 31MAR2008 blog entry, at
I do still stand by each and every word I wrote on the topic. I have not edited, redacted, removed or in any way altered anything I posted. Further, I don't see why you would post this comment on my blog, below an entry having nothing to do with you. Shall I simply assume that you became confused as to where you were posting a comment?

If you wish more information concerning my thoughts on dry firing a revolver, let's return to the starting venue. How about we go back to the original comments and proceed from there?


Anonymous said...

Forgot to add that it did make sense, thank you.
