The back story:
John J. Burkeb. 1909 d. 1969
He enlisted in the Pennsylvania State Police in 1933 and retired in 1956.

Upon retirement from PSP in 1956, Trooper Burke was given a Smith & Wesson .38 revolver with 4" barrel, inscribed PA STATE POLICE 1933-1956 JOHN J BURKE. He subsequently served as Chief of Police in Grove City, PA. The old officer died in 1969.
The late chief's daughter is Ms. Maggie Burke Dull, and she is anxious to locate her father's old revolver as a family keepsake. Her brother, Robert, not knowing that she wanted it, traded it off to a dealer in Jeffersonville, near Norrisown, PA, around 2003. I read about her request for assistance on I'd really be glad if one of my readers was able to help her out.Friends, you needn't tell me how slim are the chances of tracing this particular handgun. Other than the unique inscription, there's nothing distinguishing about it. It seems unlikely that the now-retired daughter could pay a huge price to buy it. I can only hope that the current owner, if located, might be generous and willing to sell it for a fair price. Even if it doesn't work out so that Ms. Dull can obtain her dad's sidearm, it would be nice if she could find out what happened to it. You may get in touch with Ms. Dull through The Firing Line board by clicking THIS LINK and then on "Contact Info." Her TFL member name is burke1943. Or, feel free to e-mail or comment to me. If anyone can help in any manner, it would be a very kind act to do so.
Best regards,
I'll spread the word through the folks I know.
Good luck finding it. We will check with our gunny friends out here.
I'm a little late to the party, but it's now listed at my place. Good luck.
We've spread the news!
That's a lovely revolver, and an important keepsake. I wish her well in her search.
It was great to have you and Hols over Friday night, JPG. You are truly the dearest and best of friends, and we hope to see you again soon!
Why, thank you, Phlegmmy - - It was very much out pleasure to visit with you and the other ladies. Oh, yeah, with whatsisname, too.
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