Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yes, I remember 11SEPT2001

Here I am, with too little, and too late in the day.

I’d decided NOT to write anything about the anniversary of the second terrorist attack on America. I can’t add anything material by my small efforts. But I got to thinking this evening, that not to write something seems almost disrespectful to the memory of all those who died and those who lost loved ones that day. And also to all those who have gone to war and died and been maimed as a result of the terrorism.

This is not my memoir of where I was and what I was doing when I heard about the World Trade Center. And the Pentagon. Oh, I clearly recall sitting at my desk and hearing conversation in the hallway outside become shouts and curses and prayers. I looked out and someone asked if I had the news up on my computer. I got it quickly, and then went to the nearest TV set. I probably had no emotions not already described by others, better than I can craft the words. I had no family at or near any of the crime scenes. I had met several NYC cops in the past, but hadn’t talked with any in the past few years. I had no idea of their current duty assignments or hours, so I never thought to make any phone calls. The lines would have been jammed anyhow. No, there was no personal concern for family or close friends - -only that MY COUNTRY had been attacked.

So, here it is - - my small, humble observance of the day. I know several others who have carefully crafted blog entries well in advance of this day. Mine will not hold a candle to theirs. This is very much a spur-of-the-moment article. I just want to say, no matter that the frenetic pace of the calling for revenge has slowed somewhat. No matter that many are now opposed to the war - - -


Our people were killed, our way of life attacked. Sacrifices have been made in the ensuing years. They continue. I thank God for our service men and women in the field, fighting the terrorists. For those who are preparing to go -- or to return. And for those who recovering from the offerings they’ve already placed on the altar of liberty. Thank you. Thank you all, and thank our allies who have stood shoulder to shoulder with Americans in this fight for all of civilization.

May Almighty God bless the United States of America.


Assrot said...

I'm kind of the same mind as you on this Johnny. I didn't think a blog post would do the memory of this day justice so I did not post anything.

I had much the same feelings that you and every other American did but the one that I felt the most was anger. That is still the one I feel the most.

The terrorists attacked my country and my way of life. They tried to put an end to my freedom.

As you said "We have not forgotten. We will not forget." Anyone that thinks we ever will is sorely mistaken.

What we need to do is send "Code Pink" and the rest of them Liberal bliss ninnies over where our brave men and women are fighting for our freedom everyday. Maybe if they actually lived amongst the terror they would see that pulling out of Iraq would be another boondogle like Vietnam.

So many of our brave men and women have died for our freedom and our way of life. Let's not crap on them like the US did in Vietnam. Let's not make their sacrifice stand for nothing.

I say we stay until every darn one of the Al Queda and the Taliban is as dead as the almost 3000 people that were in the WTC when it collapsed.

Never forget. Never give in.

God Bless America,


Old NFO said...

Thanks for remembering.

Farm.Dad said...

well said, and you are too modest as to your writing skills . When you said " For those who are preparing to go -- or to return. And for those who recovering from the offerings they’ve already placed on the altar of liberty. Thank you. Thank you all, and thank our allies who have stood shoulder to shoulder with Americans in this fight for all of civilization." you said it all .

Oatmeal Cookie Recipes said...

This was a lovely blog postt